Iran TourismTips

Kerman-Dubai Flight Starting from September 9, 2024

OrientTrips is thrilled to announce the start of Flydubai flights from Kerman to Dubai beginning on September 9, 2024. These flights will operate on Mondays and Thursdays, with arrival and departure times at 13:55 and 14:55 respectively, at Kerman International Airport.

Details from Kerman Airport Authorities

The Director General of Kerman Airports has confirmed the flight schedule, emphasizing the strategic importance of Kerman International Airport. The Director of the regional office of Flydubai highlighted the approval from Emirati management for their presence at Kerman International Airport. Additionally, Flydubai will soon open offices in Kish Island and Kerman, officially beginning their service offerings to passengers.

Kerman Dubai Flight Starting From September 2024
Kerman Dubai Flight Starting From September ()

Expansion and Connectivity

Milad Khani, a senior official, pointed out that Flydubai has agreements with over 20 airlines. With the initiation of this flight route, Kerman will be connected to 110 countries worldwide, facilitating growth in educational, industrial, commercial, economic, cultural, tourism, and political sectors.


Kerman Hotels

Upcoming Activities

A navigation and security task force will visit Kerman in the coming days to review and finalize preparations for the flights. This is part of the meticulous planning by Flydubai and Kerman authorities to ensure a smooth commencement.

Flydubai Overview

Flydubai, established in 2008 by the central government of Dubai, currently operates a fleet of 48 Boeing passenger aircraft. The airline offers direct flights to 94 airports globally, providing extensive connectivity and convenience for travelers.

For more information and to book your flights, visit OrientTrips.

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