Although tea is the number-one popular drink amongst Iranians, coffee has its own fans too. Walking in certain parts of Tehran, the smell of the coffee being roasted will draw your attention. Two of these places are Sam Café and Set Coffee. The two cafés and coffee roasting shops are located in the center of the city and have offered different types of coffee to coffee lovers for several decades. In this tour, we will visit one of the two cafés according to availabilities. During our visit, we will hear about the long journey that the green beans of coffee make from different parts of the world to arrive in Tehran; then, we will learn how they are roasted, ground, made and served. If you are a coffee fan, don’t miss this tour.
We can take this tour almost every day. However, advance reservation is required. Sam Café is open every day from 9:00 to 22:00, however, Set Coffee is open from Saturday to Wednesday from 9:30 to 13:30 and from 15:00 to 19:30. On Thursdays, Set Coffee is open from 9:30 to 14:30 only.
We will start the tour near the chosen café. Long before arriving at the café, the smell of the coffee will tell us where it exactly is located. In the café, the roast master will first show us how coffee beans are roasted. Then, we will see the process of grinding coffee. When the coffee powder is ready, we will learn how to make it appropriately.
Not everyone can make a delicious coffee! So, listen to this part carefully. Finally, we will drink the coffee we have made with one of those delicious cookies that they offer. In these cafés, we have the chance to buy different types of coffee such as Turkish, Arabic, Ethiopian, Colombian etc.